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1457870έλεγχος cookieΟδηγός The End Is Ngh: Δείτε πώς να βρείτε μυστικά και συλλεκτικά αντικείμενα

Οδηγός The End Is Ngh: Δείτε πώς να βρείτε μυστικά και συλλεκτικά αντικείμενα

Το τέλος είναι κοντά is said to be very hard and if you happen to find the game to be difficult yourself when looking for hidden goods, hopefully this guide will help you out in finding secrets and collectibles. Edmund McMillen and Tyler Glaiel’s Το τέλος είναι κοντά κυκλοφορεί τώρα για υπολογιστή μέσω Steam.

This guide hopefully will help you find nearly all of the secrets and collectibles in The End Is Nigh, however if you want additional help, the website Holdtoreset has additional pointers and tips on how to complete the game.

The first video up by YouTuber PachDokk shows how to traverse the level or sector named Nevermore and how to achieve the secret ending.

The next secret calls for one to jump on skull bats to reach the Ghost in the Tower, found on the Wall of Sorrow sector. The video showing how to reach the Ghost in the Tower can be found thanks to Δημιουργήστε's βίντεο.

Looking past secrets, if you happen to be a completionist and are looking to find and obtain every little collectible in the game, you are in luck. In total 11 videos showing every single collectible hidden throughout the levels and sectors in The End is Nigh can be seen by the Dark TroZo, which the playlist lies below.

Sadly, facing death isn’t something that can be avoided in Το τέλος είναι κοντά, which means that attempting to retrieve some of the collectibles and locating the secrets in the game will most likely be out of reach at some point due to the overall difficulty of the game. However, practicing a part over and over will heighten your chance of reaching whatever goal it is that you have set when playing The End is Nigh.

Το τέλος είναι κοντά κυκλοφορεί τώρα για υπολογιστή μέσω Steam.

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