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1522880έλεγχος cookieΝέο εμπορικό σήμα Onimusha αναφέρθηκε ότι θα κατατεθεί από την Capcom

Νέο εμπορικό σήμα Onimusha αναφέρθηκε ότι θα κατατεθεί από την Capcom

Recently, it has been reported that Capcom has filed trademarks for Onimusha in several countries or regions around the world. The series has been out of the scene for a while now, but recently has seen several trademarks pop up in Mexico, Canada, the Philippines, Australia, along with the European Union Intellectual Property Office in Europe.

It’s worth noting that this could be a misunderstanding… or it could be an actual thing that might come to fruition in the future, due to the fact that trademarks cover video games, smartphone games, as well as other consumer media associated such as music and merchandise.

Σύμφωνα με την ιστοσελίδα δημοσίευση Gamerant it is reported that Capcom has been on a trademark registration spree for several Onimusha related stuff. Additionally, the World Intellectual Property Organization is reported to reflect recent trademarks listed in its database across many countries — as listed above.

The publication site relays that it’s unclear if Capcom will reveal a new game in the series of Onimusha or if the company is simply keeping its trademark updated.

Something worth noting is that the registrations were made in early April, five months after Capcom acknowledged that they wanted to make both Ντίνο Κρίση και Onimusha παιχνίδια.

Οι πληροφορίες σχετικά με Ντίνο Κρίση comes in by Capcom’s account, back in late 2017, responding to user Jawmuncher, who asked if there will be a new Dino Crisis game. Capcom’s response lies below:

Onimusha was the next title fans asked about on Twitter that Capcom responded to. The user inquiring about said title comes in by CyanBlueNinja, who asked “What about Onimusha remake as well?” Capcom had the following to say:

It’ll be interesting to see if Capcom development staff is no longer limited and allowed to get around to something related to Onimusha. However, time will tell if Capcom has the resources and staff to do something with the series.

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