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1488280έλεγχος cookieRemothered: Tormented Fathers, το Clock Tower Spiritual Successor κυκλοφορεί στη Nintendo στις 26 Ιουλίου
Εικόνες / Βίντεο

Remothered: Tormented Fathers, το Clock Tower Spiritual Successor κυκλοφορεί στη Nintendo στις 26 Ιουλίου

Darril Arts and Stormind Games announced that Remothered: Οι βασανισμένοι πατέρες will be releasing on the Nintendo Switch later this month starting July 26th. The game will be available digitally via the Nintnedo eShop.

According to the press release Stormind and Darril contracted DICO Co., to port the game from PC to the Switch, enabling gamers who play on the go to get in some horror frills and thrills of this sleeper hit from 2018. The game κυκλοφόρησε στα μέσα του 2018 on Xbox One and PS4 at the end of July. As part of that one year anniversary for the console launch on the other systems the game is now coming to the Nintendo Switch.

There doesn’t appear to be anything new for the Switch version of the game. Much of it has stayed the same according to the press release.

The gameplay and story intertwine together to create a seamless transition of horror between the cutscenes and gameplay. It centers around an investigator named Rosemary Reed – who looks an awful lot like Jodie Foster – looking into the disappearance of a young girl. When Reed arrives at the mansion to question the father of the missing girl, she finds out that some strange things have been going on at the mansion and what starts as a routine investigation turns into a disturbing fight for her life.

Players will have to rely both on traps and the environment to overcome the horrors of the mansion. The sandbox-style design of the mansion means that there’s no one way to approach a scenario or escape from a harrowing situation, which definitely gives the game a bit of breathing room in the replayability department.

Many gamers have compared Remothered: Οι βασανισμένοι πατέρες στο πρωτότυπο Πύργος ρολογιού games. The comparison is certainly apt.

There were some rough spots around the edges given that Αποκατασταθεί is an indie game, but you could tell it was designed with a lot of passion and that certainly comes through with the structure of the story and the way it keeps throwing new challenges at you.

If you’re interested in a true survival-horror experience, you can look for Remothered: Οι βασανισμένοι πατέρες to launch on the Nintendo Switch later this month on July 26th.

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