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1571100έλεγχος cookieΤο Xbox Boss λέει ότι η ομάδα θέλει να φέρει περισσότερα RPG στο Xbox

Το Xbox Boss λέει ότι η ομάδα θέλει να φέρει περισσότερα RPG στο Xbox

It looks like the Xbox boss sees that the green platform has enough first-person shooters as well as third-person shooters. You may ask, “And what will the Xbox Team spearhead next?” Well, that will be RPGs according to a new interview that Phil Spencer took up.

Not too long ago, the Xbox Team expressed interest in buying more Japanese and Asian studios to produce not only third-party titles for the Xbox brand moving forward but first-party titles too.

While we wait to see how that move pans out with Microsoft trying to win over Japanese and Asian devs to make games for the Xbox family of consoles, Spencer reveals in a new interview that the Xbox team wants more than first-person and third-person shooters on the platform.

Given that the lucrative Xbox Game Pass is growing, more games are slipping on to the live-service catalog, which has Spencer wanting more RPGs to jump aboard the green ship to push it further since Spencer wants to compete as per videogameschronicle.com.

Nevertheless, there’s no better way to compete with your counterparts unless you have a head start — or you deliver a product that’s not woke waiting to go broke. And with that said, gamingbolt.com has picked up on an interview with Xbox UK with Spencer saying the following about increasing the pool of RPGs on the Xbox brand:

“Obviously first-person and third-person shooters have been strong, but it’s nice with Outer Worlds coming out, Wasteland… I think RPG is an area that we purposefully focused on and wanted to do more.


But it’s also, as we’re watching Xbox Game Pass grow and grow, we’re seeing more genres enter, and whether it’s genres that used to be popular and coming back or creators trying new things because they have an audience that’s always there and they can think how to deliver stories to those people… But I do think RPG is an area that we should focus and I think X0 will be fun around that news as well.”

I should note, I’m not sure if this means western RPGs or if it includes both Western and Japanese RPGs? While we wait to find out, the current plan over at Xbox is to focus on building up the Xbox portfolio of RPGs since it has been out of focus.

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