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1411160έλεγχος cookieJolt: Super Robot Racer μπαίνει στο Steam Greenlight και αναζητά ψήφους
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Jolt: Super Robot Racer μπαίνει στο Steam Greenlight και αναζητά ψήφους

Very similar to tinyBuild Games’ racing game SpeedRunners, indie crew Cooply developed a simple 3D runner under the moniker of Jolt: Super Robot Racer. The small indie game is currently on Steam Greenlight and is seeking votes from the Steam community.

Like the 2D sprite runner, SpeedRunners, Jolt offers the same concept but in 3D. For those that aren’t familiar with the former, the latter offers a fast pace racing theme that loops every time players pass the goal post. In doing so, each racer must maintain momentum so that they won’t get left behind, while trying to be the last robot standing.

At its core, competitive platforming and skillful navigating will be essential to staying alive and in the top spot. To counter a one-sided match, other robots will be able to use a special ability to boost ahead, which calls for them to avoid falling in dangerous spaces. This is also explained in the devs description for the game.

“We want to bring players a fast paced, racing platformer; that’s simple premise and controls, but complex in execution, especially with players changing the level on the fly. This is a game that can be played and enjoyed by anybody at the core. But only mastered by the most skillful, who are able to use momentum and the Jolt, in tandem.”

Those who do get eliminated from the race won’t be out completely. Upon using the VOID, a random power-up will allow the eliminated player to initiate a comeback to somewhat change the outcome of the race’s end result.

Making death and winning more prominent, players will be able to customize their very own robot, which adds a more personal connection between the player and the game, as seen below.

Jolt racing game 1

To get a nice look at what the game has to offer, the video below by Jolt Super Robot Race’s official YouTube κανάλι shows the main race mode and character creation.

Jolt will feature different modes to mix up the core game’s concept, and will allow players to mix up their robotic characters. As of now, it’s currently seeking votes on Greenlight. If you want to learn more or want to vote for it you can do so by hitting up Σελίδα Greenlight.

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