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1441600έλεγχος cookieParty Hard 2 Switch to 3D Engine, θα παίζεται στο PAX East
Εικόνες / Βίντεο

Party Hard 2 Switch to 3D Engine, θα παίζεται στο PAX East

A new debut trailer was let loose by tinyBuild Games for the upcoming Κόμμα Hard 2, the stealth-murder sim that took Steam by storm back in 2015.

Not only did they release a new trailer for Κόμμα Hard 2, but there were also some details about the game’s availability that were made known as well. They plan on making the game available via a playable build for the first time at PAX East in Boston, Massachusetts between March 10th and March 12th next month.

The theme of the sequel is that it takes place around Christmas, so there is plenty of partying going on. In the original game it was about a creepy neighbor type killing people who were partying too hard, hence the name.

The sequel focuses on the new protagonist who only wanted a Christmas bonus, but was denied that opportunity, so he decides to go on a rampage against Christmas party goers. You’ll have a number of new weapons and tools of destruction at your disposal, similar to the first game.

The trailer highlights some of the new properties and opportunities for players to exploit thanks to the developers utilizing the new 3D game engine.

Κόμμα Hard 2 is definitely one of those titles designed for those with acquired tastes. It’s not quite like the run-and-gun you would expect from its not-so-distant relative Hotline Μαϊάμι, but instead it’s about micro-managing kills before things get too hot and heavy. Think of it like Hitman if the objective was to kill all the civilians and avoid engaging the guys with the guns.

You’ll be able to play-test the game next month at PAX East, but you can also sign-up to participate in the alpha by registering over on the official Party Hard 2 website.

There’s no official release date for the sequel, but I’m sure we’ll get the details following the appearance at PAX in March.

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