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1454230έλεγχος cookieE3 2017: Προσφορές βίντεο Forza Motorsport 7 Look At Weather Transitions, 4K Full Grids
Εικόνες / Βίντεο

E3 2017: Προσφορές βίντεο Forza Motorsport 7 Look At Weather Transitions, 4K Full Grids

One of the few Xbox One X games destined to run at a native 4K resolution at 60 frames per second is Turn 10 Studios’ Forza Motorsport 7. Personally I would I have preferred 1440p at 60fps and a larger grid of cars with higher fidelity lighting, but for some reason Microsoft felt native 4K was the bigger goal.

A five minute video featuring a cloudy run around the Nurburgring in Nurburg, Germany. The dense clouds obscures a lot of the draw distance, but it’s awesome because during the middle of the race the clouds get thicker and the rain begins to pour. The frame-rate takes a minor hit here as the game begins to transition from a dry run on a cloudy day to an out-and-out overcast thunderstorm. Check out the video below, courtesy of MotoGamesTV.

A couple of things: First up, the fact that the clouds move and transition during the race is really awesome. Turn 10 did a superb job with that feature.

Second of all, the blend between a cloudy day and an out-and-out-thunderstorm is brilliant. The start-up of the brief rain session looked natural and dynamic, and it didn’t abruptly stop, but came to a subtle end, which was a nice touch.

And speaking of nice touches… the puddles on the ground after the storm was just fantastic. The splash-up from the cars riding through the water on the inside turn of the tracks really added to the atmosphere of Forza Motorsport 7.

From a graphical standpoint, the game has a lot going on for it.

If the Xbox One X wasn’t tethered down by the Xbox One, I would have loved to have seen what Turn 10 could have done going all-in on the XBX.

The Nurburgring race ends with the clouds clearing up, the sun setting, and dusk settling in. The track doesn’t magically dry up, though. We see the puddles scattered about and the moisture still in the air. The cars, however, do dry up and the windshield wipers go back into hiding.

It’s an interesting contrast between what Slightly Mad Studios is doing with Του έργου CARS 2 and what Turn 10 is doing with Forza Motorsport 7. Both games definitely seem to have their own focus on the racing sim niche.

Μπορείτε να αναζητήσετε Forza Motorsport 7 to launch on the Xbox One, Windows 10 and Xbox One X starting October 3rd.

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